Woman walking in forest

Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Lyme and Tickborne Diseases Dashboard

Harnessing the Power of Geography in Tickborne Diseases Research
Read Our Story “Geography, Ticks and You”

What’s New

Identifying the Geographic Leading Edge of Lyme Disease Using Google Health Trends

New research published in PLOS ONE.
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Johns Hopkins Magazine: ‘A tracker for tickborne illness’

Johns Hopkins Magazine features the dashboard in its Spring 2022 issue.
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Dashboard wins Health Data Visualization Award

The Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers awarded the dashboard an interactive visualization award at the 2022 AAG Annual Meeting.

Why We Should Care


CDC estimates that approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year, but less than a tenth of these cases are officially reported.


Lyme disease cases are increasing, and positive tests have been observed in all 50 US states. But Lyme disease is not just a US problem. Lyme and other tickborne diseases are found worldwide, including Canada and parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

$1.3 billion

Patients diagnosed with Lyme disease on average have nearly $3,000 higher annual health care costs, which adds up to a $712 million – $1.3 billion burden on the US health care system each year.


Lyme disease is a major, global vector-borne disease, but research for improved prevention, diagnosis and treatment lags other diseases. Federal funding per new reported case of Lyme disease ($1,070) is a fraction of that for HIV/AIDS ($97,648) and hepatitis C ($47,522).

What’s going on where I live?

Search the reported incidence of Lyme disease in your US county or Canadian health region: